Louis Simond, A Tour in Italy and Sicily

Simond begins with an anecdote of Sgricci’s improvisation of the Death of Socrates. He also describes in detail Sgricci’s performance of the tragedy of Sophonisba and the audience’s favourable reception. He mentions that improvisation is like any other habit.

Louis Simond, Voyage en Italie et en Sicile

Simond begins with an anecdote of Sgricci’s improvisation of the Death of Socrates. He also describes in detail Sgricci’s performance of the tragedy of Sophonisba and the audience’s favourable reception. He mentions that improvisation is like any other habit.

M. Valery [Antoine Claude Pasquin], Historical, Literary, and Artistical Travels in Italy, A Complete and Methodical Guide for Travellers and Artists

The author recounts the decline of improvisation in Florence, and alludes to the former fame of improvisatori such as Sgricci, and before him Fra Filippo, who was one of the great improvisatori of the sixteenth century. The second excerpt is a brief mention of Fantastici, who in addition to improvising, also devoted herself to translation.

M. Valery [Antoine Claude Pasquin], Voyages historiques et littéraires en Italie, pendant les années 1826, 1827 et 1828; ou L’Indicateur Italien

The author recounts the decline of improvisation in Florence, and alludes to the former fame of improvisatori such as Sgricci, and before him Fra Filippo, who was one of the great improvisatori of the sixteenth century. In the second excerpt, he mentions seeing the crown Corilla received at the Capitol for her achievements as an improvisatrice.

Pietro Giordani, “Of Sgricci and the Improvisers in Italy” (“Intorno allo Sgricci ed agl’ Improvvisatori in Italia”)

Giordani’s article, structured as a series of questions and answers, assesses the merits of Sgricci’s talent and of improvisation more generally. He concludes that the value of improvisation is constantly over-estimated in Italy, and that it would be better to divert the skills of the improvisatori to art-forms that require more time, labour, and study.