“Esperimento di Poesia tragica estemporanea, di Luigi Cicconi”

In this review, the author praises Cicconi for his success with improvised tragedies in Turin and Florence. However, Cicconi did not enjoy the same success in Milan because an improvised tragedy is difficult to realize even though Cicconi’s talents are noteworthy. The reviewer suggests that Cicconi study tragedy more fully with a view to producing a written work in the genre.

“Ignotus,” “I poeti estemporanei” (Fanfulla della Domenica)

The anonymous critic gives a brief history of some of the best known improvisers in Italy, both men and women. He also describes some of the tricks they used to make their work appear more improvised than it was.

“Letteratura: Parisina” (L’eco)

In this review, the author questions the legitimacy of Cicconi’s work as improvisation and decides that, in fact, the text, which is transcribed by Filippo Delpino, is an improvisation. After assessing the defects and the good qualities of the tragedy, the reviewer concludes that Cicconi should continue to produce improvised plays, rather than written texts.

“Luigi Cicconi Improvvisatore di Tragedie”

By improvising two tragedies in Florence, the young Cicconi has revealed that he is a worthy successor to Sgricci. He is garnering praise in distinguished journals such as L'Antologia di Firenze for his learned and poetic diction, his vivid action, and his beautiful choruses.